Ethical Axioms

This is an small collection of ethical and meta-ethical axioms based on an anthropological ontoepistemology.

Ethical axioms

Principle of Self-Sufficiency: Human beings are not means for something else, they are ends in themselves.

Principle of Life Preservation: Human life must be preserved.

Principle of the Limits of Self-Preservation: Human life is only worth under conditions which allow self-realization and intelectual development of the group and the individual.

Principle of Primacy of the Public Interest: the life of the group has preference over the life of the individual. 

Principle of Juridical Freedom: Every individual is free to express publically any idea or opinion, even if is contrary to the general interest of the group, and cannot be punished for it.

Principle of Autonomy of the Individual: The body is property of the individual.

Meta-ethical axioms

Principle of Ethical Relativism: there is not a universal set of values for all human beings but there are particular sets mythico-ritually determined. 

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